Tuesday, June 3, 2014

crap crap crap. Sadie was slightly off again today

I put her foot in a bag of grated taters with the too big for riding use wide glove (easyboot).   Hopefully draws the bruising out.   Hopefully it is just minor hoof pain and the tater trick clears it up in a couple of days. 

I guess this does make me feel better about going with the trimmer guy, even if I have to wield the rasp myself.    He mentioned last year that he did some outside trimming and my thought was 'but I couldn't ask him to do Sadie, he has a bad back.'   Well desperation this year and I set up to haul her over there but then he said he couldn't do her if she wasn't good with her feet.  Which she isn't,  she is not horrible but she is not good either and she'll probably be wanting to yank her foot and set it back down more than usual since I'm hauling there and I have not done enough away from home stuff with her.   I should ask if he would come to me for an extra fee if her foot stays sore, but I'm hoping it will be OK,  I want to ride/maybe with lots of leading her at some open space area as well as getting her feet balanced up and fitted with the correct size hoof boots. 

I am still livid with someone at work writing a whiny ass note after I forgot my soaking 1 qt glass casserole dish Friday.   I wrote a nastygram counter note but have not printed it and probably won't print or post it,  just composing it got me so mad all over again that I was a quivering blob of emotion. 

Pisses me off royally that I'm a horrible person for forgetting my dish once a week and not getting it washed until I come in the next day when I'm the one or one of very few that ever wipes off the drain rack when it gets brown, or wipes down the microwave if my cover fails and my meal splatters,  replaces the damn 5 gallon water jugs when empty vs waiting until the dispenser itself is empty,  I buy 4-5 times more cream than I drink (although less recently cuz I've not been stopping at Target as often) because I'd only use a pint before it would spoil if I put a "mine don't touch" note on a personal container and it doesn't cost that much more to just buy a quart ..... yada yada  and some little pissant either wrote or got the admin to write a shrewish anonymous note. 

 Come to me like an adult and tell me if the overnight dish squicks you out instead of pretending that it makes the sink unavailable for the whole group when it takes all of 1/8 of the sink and I do always wash it the next day when I forgot it the night before.    Really gives a personal grrrrr on top of the fact that they keep voting for politicians who trash the country and state. 

1 comment:

Gerrick said...

Well the last one is still up.

So how does the potato thing work?