Saturday, November 26, 2011

waterPik annoyance

I have a waterPik at recommendation of dentist. Does seem to help if I start getting a loose gum pocket that collects food and then is irritated. Well I have knocked the waterpik off my countertop twice and that breaks the tips and it takes a needle nose pliers to get the end of the tip that is in the base removed but a stubborn redhead just finds the pliers.

Well the unit came with two tips so this time I had to get replacements, I didn't get it done before t-day; stopped at Walgreens and then Target today and neither one carries replacement tips. I'd blame the store but 0-2 seems like WaterPik discourages carrying them. Well I was not going to toss the whole thing in the garbage and just buy another waterPik. Even if the tips would cost almost as much as the whole unit I don't like to toss a functioning gadget in the trash, goes against my sensibilities.

I did find replacement tips online so I ordered 4 tips and some misc. stuff. Pbbbtttt on "small business saturday" I was not going to find what I wanted at a small business. I do the small business for car repairs and when I bought my p/u, don't need to forgo convenience today, besides doing things based on the internet meme of the week also goes against my sensibilities.

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