Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ugh, fell off Shade today.

So annoyed at myself. All she did was spook a bit. I should have been able to ride right through it if I was centered and its not like she lured me to sleep. So frustrating when I ride like crap.

Well 5 good things. Shade felt strong and was not terribly goofy ayrab for the lack of riding.

2. Boy do I appreciate Sadie and her calmer demeanor.

3. My late night redneck fence fix last night seems to have sealed the hole Lady was crawling out of. I went out to feed somewhat late and she was standing eating on the bale I was going to feed already. Looked at me like "what? It was my supper time" I decided I don't want to worry about her getting in the feed room if I forget to shut the door etc so I pulled the gate that dad bought but will probably not install until we do all the fence repairs over and tied it to the spot where I think Lady crawled through. It would not take much to fix that little section properly but I'd like to just get the new fenceline put up than put more than a few minutes into patching the existing mess.

4. I feel like I'm getting back into a groove for horse feeding and stuff after the trip.

5. I get along with my sibs and they are solid citizens.

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