Thursday, November 24, 2011

popcorn for t-day

Went for a little ride this afternoon too. It was good, Shade was less tense and spooky acting. I think I didn't notice it so much pre Sadie because I rode Shade fairly steadily once she was not what I considered a young greenie. Oh well, I can live with acting like there is a boogie man out there; as long as she doesn't ever get any bronco going after having time off.

I had waffles for breakfast. I am getting a good amount of use out of my $10 Target waffle iron. I'll mix a big batch of batter on a weekend so I just have to plug in the iron to heat up, pour out batter, and wait 6 minutes during the work week. I don't like crowds but am halfway toying with asking dad if he wants to go out for supper and then see if we can get a flat screen TV on *black friday* special. I had been thinking of buying a biggish LED or possibly going a bit cheaper with LCD TV for the living room and calling it anniversary gift for the parents but mom wants/ed to get a big TV for downstairs and just bring up that TV for the living room so I just gave them 150 for TV fund, of course she has been too sick now to actually go out and buy something.

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