Monday, November 14, 2011

Finally home from the hunting trip ---darned Ford

We hung out on sunday and just did as much pre-packing as possible because it was snowing and we didn't want to fight bad roads + ski traffic on the way home. We would have been home quite early but my back passenger door got left ajar and drained my battery(s). And the darned FORD pickup wouldn't just keep running after we jumped it because it has some kind of safety to protect the alternator if a battery is bad or something. Plus my transmission temperature sensor got blown sometime during all the fun. Spent over 2 hours and 147 dollars at an auto place just to find out that the battery that we suspected was bad was OK once they charged it up and it was just the temperature sensor for the transmission that was bad --which I suspected but wanted to confirm before going on all the steep downhills on I-70 to get to Denver.

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