Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Oh great -- AGW, new alias CC is still being embraced here

*seminar I could have attended yesterday*

Even as the science of climate change has grown stronger and more compelling, public
acceptance of the science has grown weaker and more partisan. This presentation will
discuss the range of causes for this dilemma. It will then focus on how we can improve
scientists' communication of climate change.
It will address both what we say and how we say it, dealing with framing, messaging,
psychological and cultural issues, the value of narrative, and questions involving
language. It will also include up-to-date information on what the American public thinks
about climate change and how that should be considered in scientists' communication

Susan has worked for over 20 years to help communicate the science of climate
change to a wide variety of audiences. She has written and edited numerous high -level
reports, testified before Congress, written an HBO documentary, appeared on national
radio and television shows, and spoken widely to leaders in various fields about climate
change. She is currently focused on helping climate scientists improve their
communication and helping the media improve their coverage of climate change.

All staff are welcome to attend. This event is sponsored by [redacted]
No Susan the science has NOT become more compelling, it is unraveling. And while my blinders firmly on co-workers may be unaware the commie in chief is not much interested in funding science of any kind. If he wins he will pursue his global caliphate/commie utopia dreams by executive order and not be pushing any science funding to support it, he probably has an inkling that true science, not garbage focused on giving the result the funding agency expected would not back up the CO2 is evil meme.

Now If Romney gets in he would push for funding for "climate science" with a belief in it I guess --he is still defending mass-care. (not signing it as "well I tried my best to steer it to something that might be workable and even so it failed" but actually defending the failing system --so apparently he does not ever accept that he might have been wrong about something. Give me that *idiot, deer in the headlights* Rick Perry please. At least he will admit something was a mistake if reality slaps it down. Even Newt has backed off on some of his big statist crap and support of cap and tax. I don't trust the reptile but at least he would follow party opinion if the party demands repeal of the bill to completely ruin american health care and says no to a carbon scheme. But the commiecrat and probably 2 of the 3 most likely GOP nominees are going to be skeptical of so called science organization that *bitterly clings* to the disproven CO2/climate change scaremongering. I hope the top idiots here have big mortgages and will lose their houses if they keep this crap up. Like that saying "Stupid Should Hurt"


Gerrick said...

"the range of causes for this dilemma."

The range of causes is called lying about it. That's why the public is no longer buying it.

"It will then focus on how we can improve scientists' communication of climate change."

So, they were going to say "Stop lying"?

Ok, enough sarcasm. There are several glowbull warming true believers still on the UW campus in faculty positions. In fact one guy said I should make up a question that involved it for a science olympiad event. I reminded him that it is a myth so there was no point to doing such a thing.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

There were and are many AGW believers here that only research things that affect short term weather modeling. They have read papers that seem to present evidence, they don't just make shit up themselves when they write papers on their own research --therefore they believe in the CO2 greenhouse theory. Just like with the MarxSpewMedia they are unaware that a group with plenty to gain gradually ended up in power and then carefully filtered what got printed so that the conflicting evidence or theories did not have to be countered because they were not even presented to the general readership of GRL or viewership of NBC etc.