Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nov 17, 5 things list

I'm grateful my new saddle arrived and it seems to fit ms Sadie.

I'm grateful that owie on my foot from stepping on a Russian Olive branch does not look infected at all, if anything I may have a splinter that I'll need to have dug out at some point.

I'm grateful for the existence of microwave ovens. Saves so much time and money.

I'm grateful for coffee and also for chocolate. Thats two so I'm done with the gratitude list for today.

Rush had a bit on today about some NYT article lamenting that young adults/college grads are not starting their own households and thus they are deepening the recession. The article sounded like mostly BS but it got me to musing. I think it used to be that only "the landed gentry" types had such large houses that adult offspring basically had apartments within and would tend to stay at home until the daughters were married or the sons had gotten rich themselves or whatever. Well, it got fairly common to have huge houses so is it much of a surprise that ie a teacher making 45K would feel like its better to live at home and save up for a big down payment on his own house later rather than moving into his own apartment? If parents are not inclined to shove their kids out of the nest are the super sized homes going to encourage kids to keep living at home when a former generation would move out into a small apartment because a modest house did not allow enough privacy for living with the parents to feel at all comfortable?

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