Thursday, October 27, 2011


Read a very well written blog post today by guardwife about needing for there to be a reason life was turned upside down. Made me think of my own trite feeling that dear God, let the country electing Barry have been the life lesson we needed to shake us awake before it was too late. I do not know how I will cope if after *I* finally woke up to the MarxSpewMedia et al it turns out the country overall refuses to see reality and chooses to continue to spiral towards the drain instead of trying to return to a country built on principles of rule of law, protection of property for all and freedom for all with the consequence of possible failure for some. As an engineer I want to try to fix things, keep plugging away at something. Atlas Shrugged reference: I will by my nature want to be a teeny, very much less effective Hank Reardon type, continuing to try to make my little corner of the world work --BUT I will also now believe that the John Galt character is correct and that I should withdraw whatever help I am giving to a broken society because if we have the inevitable hard crash faster it will improve the odds of having enough people who remember freedom who can rebuild a good society versus ending up under an islamic theocracy that demands everyone submit or having long term anarchy or a brutal dictator who comes to power just by being the most ruthless and or cunning among a group of competing tribal factions.

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