Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Heh, I am psychic

I didn't think Palin was going to run. Its too funny, except when its crosses the line, all the comments on Ace about this. She had only raised like 1 million dollars in her PAC and I'll go out on a bit of a limb and guess a good bit of that was people chipping in for her to fund tea party outsiders like she did in 2010. I can't say I followed her very closely but her statement on the PAC and everything I ever read from her only ever said the PAC was to promote conservatives, not one word saying she would run for the GOP nomination. Now the movie and the bus tour might have been probes to see if she had likely support if she ran, or she could have just been making some dough and having some fun with the MarxSpewMedia.

I do understand the "oh crud all of the folks in the GOP field disappoint in one way or the other" blues but OTOH any one of the top 3 would be a fine president, as opposed to the SCOMF we have now, who is driving the country into a pit. We are not going to get someone who is conservative realization of all that the Media painted Barry to be, but come on we are supposed to be about reality.
Barry is not actually a good speaker -- face it only the media or a bunch of bigots cooing over the fact that a black man could accurately pronounce all those big words on the teleprompters could have ever said that he was a great orator with a straight face.
Barry was not actually a clean politician out of Chicago --boy that one was a massive whopper.
Barry was not actually any kind of uniter. etc etc.


Gerrick said...

I think she and the GOP would be better off if she muscled her way into a leadership position within the GOP so she could help get real conservatives nominated instead of the squishes we have been subjected to for the last 20 some years.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Well I think Palin and DeMint are trying to get more conservatives elected in primaries and general elections and build up conservative power within the party that way. One thing if the ACE commenter was correct, with the the GOP is the people do pick the candidates if they turn out. The bigwigs control the money but the GOP doesn't have super delegates so if the primary voters reject Romney and embrace Cain or Perry the party insiders cant overrule that. (they probably would have in 1980 from what I've heard)

Gerrick said...

No doubt they would love to be able to force who their candidate on the rest of the party. Much like that fat ugly woman who co-chairs the money collection efforts who said they had already picked out the winner and it didn't matter what the rest of us thought.