Friday, September 24, 2010

No coughing this morning except after giving cough free

Yeah a bit ironic that giving cough free made Shade cough but its not a soothing syrup. Its a blend of powdered herbs. Shade wont eat it so I've been mixing it with oil and dosing her via syringe. Mixing it with oil because the herbs don't dissolve in water, so not too surprising that it might be a bit scratchy going down. I am undecided on continuing to give it. I want to clear any crap out of Shades lungs, but I don't want to be giving her a micro choke episode every morning.

Dr Mike was going to switch me to SMZ's. I think because I reported Shade was really coughing while eating wednesday. I solved that by soaking her grain to a mush, and the pharm. delivery wasn't at the clinic yet when I stopped in on way to work so I got a tub of tucoprim so I can dose that, I may run in and pick up SMZ's but I think Dr Mike was suggesting them because of my report of Shade coughing but he thinks this is the antibiotic group to be using.

Man my navigational abilities suck. I missed the exit I wanted, then turned too quick on the make-up exit I wanted, then kept turning the wrong dang way. Tried the GPS and it took me to a wrong address. I couldn't remember the clinic address so I was stuck when the GPS gave me the wrong name. Finally I got something to eat and then found my way to the clinic at the end of their lunch break rather than getting there right before it -would have just made that if I had not missed my exit. OH WELL, this is why I like endurance, the trails to take are usually really well marked because some people expect to be able to follow them while keeping up a good clip, and others are even more navigationally challenged than I am.

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