Monday, September 13, 2010

My brother is now a 5th degree BB

I took friday off and my sister drove down from ND on thursday and then we braved a car trip with my parents to Los Alamos NM to watch my brother test for his 5th degree black belt. I opened the Terry Goodkind books I had ordered from Amazon about a month ago and hadn't yet felt like having a reading weekend and read 'Wizards first rule' over the weekend. So nice having multiple drivers so I could read a bunch in the car. I had not read a novel purely for fun in ages. The closest was reading Atlas Shrugs last year after reading so many parallels being drawn to it vs what P/R/O were doing. A useful book - I could not believe how well something written over 50 years ago matched what was going on - I may get myself another copy after sending mine on as a gift after reading it. And it was fun in some parts, but I had to give up and skip a huge section of the repetitious radio lecture part and the the AS book was slow to get to the point in other parts. The Goodkind book had some similar themes about the wrongness of collectivism and beware of worshipping people.

Ed's tae kwon do test was anti-climatic, the hosting group in Los Alamos was running short of time and the 3 people testing for 5th degree belts only did the form part of their test and they skipped breaking wood and sparring. Oh well, it was a nice visit with my siblings. Ed's step-son and pupil S tested for 2nd degree and he looked good doing his sparring and breaks as well as his form. Unfortunately S didn't warm up enough for his roundhouse kick break or something and had a bit of a strain in the muscles or tendons on top of his foot. Did not seem that he was limping too badly so hopefully its just a minor strain. We got to watch Ed spar 1 on 1 after all the new black belts learned the new form(s) for their levels, but that was not too exciting since he was going easy with a newly tested 1st degree black belt.

Now I have to shake off weekend fuzzies and accomplish some work so I'll maybe have time to ride a bit before the weekend.

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