Sunday, August 9, 2009

Razz was good yesterday -but CJ got cut and I missed it

C took it pretty easy on him, but he gave her a pretty good ride. I grabbed Cindy and she was kind of showing her age. Used to be she was still energizer bunny riding in a ring but she was not into it. But Razz was not sucked down so it was cool. When I walked out to catch her I noticed wire in the pasture. Spent about 10 minutes gathering it up and tracking to where it was down from the unjuiced electric wire that had been running around the top of the pasture. I checked legs when I caught Cindy but didn't look hard at CJ. Had a lovely ride on Shade saturday evening. Mia came along, I tied her up after about 1.2 miles so I could have some canter time.

Today I only rode the John Deere. Got the goatsheads around the edge of the little paddock where the woven wire fence was installed. Then dad put the post hole digger on and we moved the mailbox about 6 feet east so there is more clearance to turn left with the BAT. As usual things were over engineered. When dad does a project he does it to last forever not to get it done quickly. I was going to grab Grey Moun and take the dogs for a run about 7pm but when I went out to catch him I noticed CJ's left hind leg was all swollen and had a cut on the inside of the leg at hock height. So instead of riding I got mom to help so I could hose his leg, then put some bag balm on it with a telfa pad and elastikon and fed him some tucoprim powder antibiotics and a gram of bute. Put the tractor away since dad was just finishing the mailbox project and then I took the dogs for a quick walk, drove out about 0.7 miles and then walked with them about 0.6 miles and drove home as it was getting dark with some help with storm clouds. Only got a few sprinkles though. I'll have to pull CJ out to feed him for a week now to finish up the tucoprim course.

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