Sunday, August 16, 2009

OK how does one lift the chinese curse ...

You know the one "may you live in interesting times" Things have been too interesting lately. CPU/RAID failures at work, get that solved (sys admin mainly but I had to restore scripts with new paths) Grey Moun gave himself a nasty hock wound wed night. I called the vet cuz he was so lame but hadn't heard back on when he could come in 2 hours and was still battling to get processing going again and after hosing the wound it didn't look so awful and certainly nothing to be stitched so I flushed it with some saline + bit of iodine, wrapped the leg, gave Grey tucoprim and called the vets office to push appt back to friday.

I probably should not have done that --Turns out the cut went down to the bone and Dr Mike even felt some movement indicating a chip which he thought might actually be the tibia. Dr M is concerned about possible infection. Grey is on 25 cc of penicillin 2x/day after lots of extras on friday. We will switch to at least 2 weeks of tucoprim after 5 days of the penicillin.

Well I worked a bunch from home yesterday getting some processing that was not as time critical restored but met an endurance buddy today to trail ride this afternoon --after having had to fix the hourly processing which got hosed because a disk filled up. I had to fix some files even after making some disk space because they got zeroed out when the disk filled.

THANK GOODNESS I unhitched the BAT and just had the bumper pull. My pickup's transmission went kaput about 1/2 way home. My wonderful dad came with their pickup and towed the trailer home. I found I had 4th gear so I pulled off the turn lane to the interstate to a safer area and will fetch it in the morning with dad and pickup for backup to tow me home if the tranny quits altogether. I have ONLY 4th gear, seemed like I had reverse for a short time but I was on a hill so might have just been gravity and having clutch at least somewhat engaged. I certainly do not have reverse any more. I don't really feel my pickup is worth ME fixing the transmission. Have to study whether I could possibly get cash for clunkers for the pickup and still get something big enough to tow the BAT; if that could happen that MIGHT tip me into doing that. Otherwise I think I will look for a used 1 ton pickup.

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