Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday Monday

I feel cheated on my weekend. Saturday when it was cooler and I was working Shade come up to say hi twice but sunday she blew me off. I ended up riding Cindy in the morning, hiding from the heat in the house and then I grabbed CJ in the evening when the heat was breaking a little bit. My back does not like riding CJ. I think I didn't relax like normal last night. He felt like he was moving well, I think the chiro work is sticking and did serious good for him. But I took him down the road and he was being very much a green horse (who is big and powerful.) Or it might have just been the last round of weed pulling that upset my back.

I am bummed because none of the 3 riders is coming out anymore. Maybe AJ's gal just went on vacation or something. Razz's girl gave me an excuse of gas money not fitting her budget but I think he is scaring her a bit. CJ only had about 3 rides before that gal dropped out. Sigh the parents are not going to suddenly start riding more but at least for now I feel like I should quit while we are ahead rather than trying to get new 'leasors' The last thing we need is someone getting hurt out here on one of our horses. Mom is so sick --she thinks she has a cold but I'm worried its the bone infection getting worse. I'm edgy that the hyperbaric (actually I think only the CONSULT) doesn't start for another 3 weeks. But she encouraged the drs/surgeons to say she should wait on removing implants until after trying the O2 therapy so now everyone is just in waiting mode. Its not like mom not to press for dr attn if she thinks she needs it but as dragged down as she is now I'm not sure she is making good assessments of her status anymore. Sigh, if only I knew exactly what should be done, but my track record isn't good, I encouraged her to go for the implants --I should have researched them but she just asked me in terms of $$ and I told her the cost per day was not that much to spend on herself. Sigh again.

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