Monday, July 14, 2008

We survived the weekend but I'm much poorer

Friday. I left work extra early, taking PTO as the teen girls were coming out to trial Lady. It was windy, I was glad cuz that was cooling things off nicely but decided to relax and eat something before they came. I fed horses, giving Lady a flake of hay she likes better, mom had dragged herself out and fed when I called as I was leaving work. She has a sinus infection now. I'm sooooooo tired of her being sick all the time. I just cannot accept that she can't help it. I think she could be much healthier but she doesn't work towards it beyond taking some supplements in addition to the prescriptions she gets for dis dat & t'other. The moldy carpet is still in the basement and she still sleeps down there quite a bit, she wont try TCM etc, she doesn't even wear a painters mask when she handles the dusty hay and she cant stand to rinse her nose out .... BUT my diplomacy skills are way lacking so I drop a few hints that perhaps she should try 'other therapies' but I haven't tried to sit down and really hash it out with her. The family was late getting here, so I had saddled Lady and got on her to make sure she wasn't too jazzed in the wind. She was really good for the girls and she is now on a lease to own. YAY!

Saturday I met an endurance buddy and her friend at Chatfield. I think we rode 17-18 miles. It was all pretty flat, but I really enjoyed the day. I have Sadie & Shade together and I just left Sadie in the pen. I didn't think she would fret a whole lot. When I got home the water tank for the bigger paddock was empty so I opened the gate right away so horses could drink out of the 50 gal tank in the Sadie pen. Lady and Sadie ran and ran, having a blast. When it was time to separate horses for evening feed I was not getting cooperation so I left Sadie in with Lady.

Sunday morning Sadie was colicky after first hay rounds when I grained. I pulled her out of Lady's pen when I grained. She laid down instead of eating any grain. I fretted and watched for a while and she didn't pop out of it like last fall when she had ulcers so I called my vet. He stopped on his way home from another sunday call and although she was happier and eating and drinking good when he got there she had very little gut sounds so he went ahead and sedated her & tubed 1/2 gal of mineral oil into her. That was not too bad. $191. I put her in an empty stall/run where the the mini's are so I could monitor input and output. She could only get a handful of hay at a time -she wasn't thrilled about that. But by evening she was much better. Dads friend Jim came over and he and dad rode their motorcycles and mom and I drove and we all looked at the weekender LQ horsetrailer nearby that I had spotted on craigslist. I had not been shopping hard for a trailer but have wanted to get a gooseneck that could haul 4 horses and had some LQ. This trailer is not exactly what I would have got, ordering something new, but it had all the features I wanted. Propane heat/stove/fridge. holds 4 horses. No pass thru door but has a toilet and shower so no need to set up cowboy shower and portapotty in the horse area. Has a side tack/dressing room + the LQ area and a collapsible rear tack which I will take out. I wrote an 'earnest money check last night and got a bank check for balance today. So now I am trailer poor in addition to being horse poor. We agreed on tuesday giving him the balance and fetching the trailer.

I rode Shade this morning, it felt really hot and muggy to both of us but we slugged out 7.5 miles with a good amount of trotting and some cantering. Then I hosed her off and gave out late morning hay to the 7 I spoil that way, before showering for work. Sadie scared me as I was pulling out to head to work. She was napping in the sun after breakfast. I didn't really think she was colicky and I had to get the check at my bank + I want to keep my bosses happy since I just spent $$ on a trailer but after sunday I called to get a parent to check on her. Dad is home today unless he had to make a local delivery. No answer on the 1:30 call, when I tried again at 4 I dragged poor poor mom out of bed when she was sooooooooo exhausted since she actually dragged her butt to 'work' this morning to their 2x/monthly meeting. Sadie was fine but I am a an evil demanding hag for wanting her checked on ............

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