Saturday, July 5, 2008

Kind of Lazy 4th at home

I am home instead of riding in WY like I thought I would be this spring. But I had fun. Took very short rides on 4 different horses and ponied Sadie off Grey one of those so I got pretty good horsey time today.

A highlight is when I ran in the house for a drink before catching Shade for a morning ride I asked mom, sitting starting breakfast if she wanted to join me and she did. So I waited around, drank some efferC instead of just a quick slug of water etc, caught RazzMo for her and we went for a 3 mile walking ride. Razz was pretty good for mom, a bit lazy, well it WAS hot, and then just had to jump into a canter when we were headed home. Silly boy. Shade was good, she figured since she kept getting well in front she had the right to stop for grass. I urged her on some. I want her to eat under saddle with the endurance but not turn into a grass diving pony on me.

We got some breeze in the afternoon so I grabbed Lady. Rode her up to where Stanley had his crane and huge flag parked. Dumb non arab, she was boinking along, wondering about some ATV noise she heard from the subdivsion, and got closer then her comfort zone before she noticed the flag. So then I made her stay somewhat close, actually looped around it and headed home with some breaks to turn and stand and look at it. She was not great for mounting when I started out so when I got to the ditch I got off and did another practice mount and she was good then. I guess she had worked enough to stand for several seconds, even asking her to stand in the soft vee next to the road. She is short enough to just hop on, but with using the LJ I like to have a boost and its good for her to learn to stand at a mounting block or in a low spot anyways.

I separated Lady and Sadie too. Lady is pining about it but she has lots of over fence company and no big horses to push her around so she'll live. She was getting too joined at the hip to Sadie. I grabbed Grey Moun and ponied Sadie after a long hydration break for me. OMG, Sadie is such a pretty mover. I dare not have her started early, aprart from believing that is not the best thing in general because I think once she is started I am going to want to ride her A LOT. On the way home I asked Grey to go on the fence side of the blue plastic that blew into the ditch. Might be a from a mail type carton. All the horses have been snorty about it. Sadie was on the close side to it. She looked, then she had a bite of grass, then Ole tromped over it to demonstrate the noise it makes, then Sadie sniffed it and walked right next to it. What a good girl. Slight defense of the grown horses is they go that way all the time so the plastic changed what they see but gosh I loff my Bayrab yearling.

Then, just because I could, I grabbed 26 year old Cindy for a twighlight ride and watched some of the fireworks from her back. She wanted to rush home but she is a fire breathing dragon and want to do that anyway. She never has been skeered of much of anything. Even though I rode less miles than 1/2 an LD I was a bit sore and had to use arnica and even took an aleve after I woke up after about an hour. Mia was barking away at all the fireworks etc, and I just tune her out, but at one point I thought I heard hooves on gravel so I had to check all the horse pens. Everyone was in place so either I heard V's mini's on the plywood I have where they are fed or possibly there was livestock on the road but there wasn't hardly any whinnying so I didn't even grab a flashlight to shine out on the road.

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