Thursday, February 27, 2014

jogged again today and PC in language is run amok

Yesterday in the middle of my jog I stopped and was doing some stretches, resting my foot on a big downed tree with my back to the trail.   I heard and saw a vehicle pull up but was ignoring it since I was not in their way.  It was a sheriff's SUV and they stopped and asked me "have you seen a person in scrubs" I replied no, and they drove on.   Of course later I was curious and was like hmm, maybe the one gal I saw cleaning up after her beagle way back by the lab was wearing scrubs, all I noticed was green pants and some kind of short sleeve white with print top.   I certainly didn't worry about whether I should have searched my memory harder for the deputy lady, I was more like "WTF,  why did they not even tell me man or woman in scrubs?"  and certainly if someone was complaining about if the dog had been off leash or something the deputy needed to mention that there was a dog.  

Today at our PItA meeting the head administrator went over the performance reviews that are looming --sort of,  they are not due for 4 months yet but they are always trying to get folks to 'summarize your activities early and give to your supervisor(s)' yada yada.  Anyway she was making the point to all the supervisors that have to write the dumb reviews that there is no need to wait until right before the HR deadline.  "you can schedule with your supervisees that you want their summary by x date and schedule the meeting for them to discuss the review at y date ...."    I guess using underlings might damage our tender widdle feelings so now there is a new PC term for the people who report to a supervisor.  

Back before Christmas a FB 'friend' was patting herself on the back,  basically calling a store cashier uncouth because when the cashier asked if she had been helped she said, 'yes, by the gal in the turquoise top' and the cashier asked her if meant the black girl.  FB friend was so proud of herself for saying 'I didn't notice if she was black, just that she was pretty.'   I did speak up there and said that since she hadn't bothered to get an actual name of the sales rep serving her lofty OC self (I left out that snark)  I didn't see why it was wrong for the cashier to ask for a better descriptive than 'wearing turquoise' to credit the right employee for the sale and asked if it would be wrong if a cashier asked "you mean the redhead?" if I had been the salesperson. 

  This gal's daughter married a black man and she adores her grandkids from that marriage so she isn't bigoted  --but in general I would think its kind of bigoted to think that noticing that someone happens to be black is somehow rude.  Seems to be me one would only think it rude to notice/mention someone's race if you thought that being black was somehow inferior, rather than just a quick IDing/sorting characteristic like:  the redhead, or my bay horse etc.  

The country seems so very newspeak these last few years although I've never actually read Orwells 1984 novel. 

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