Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I could not convince myself to ride this morning, but did jog on a work break

It was cold this morning but did not feel bad doing chores as it was sunny and no wind; but still I could not work myself up to swap chore coveralls for long johns and warm fleece riding breeches and go ride.   I have to have been sidelined with crappy weather for a week or so before I'll seize that type of morning.  I'm such a softie w/o someone or something to push me more. 

 I should have gone because I have to go in early tomorrow for the pita quarterly all staff meeting.   I've ducked the last couple because vacation, gone riding and one last winter for  bad roads so I need to suck it up and do the suck up, team player thing and come in for this one.  I just wish it wasn't conflicting with a forecast for a lovely morning.  Oh well, at least the friday and weekend forecasts did not look as bad this morning as they did back on Monday. 

It got nice this afternoon and I forced myself to go jog a bit.  I need to force myself for at least a few weeks and see if I can create a habit or at least get in a little better shape before I go back to my typical lazy ways or maybe I'll shift to more riding.   If I would waste less time on the internet I could ride enough to leg Sadie up for actual endurance and still have time to get myself some aerobic exercise.  Maybe I will pull back for a bit,  lately so much I see on the net just seems to annoy me anyway.  

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