Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Rode this morning, sigh I am out of shape

Not that I felt like a sack of taters on the horse so at least there is that but I'm dragging now at work and my arms feel sore.  The arm soreness is probably from scooping up a bit of horse poop by hand yesterday and some new stretching I'm doing but still, even as I get older I have the Garth Brooks lyric "I'm much too young to feel this dammed old" whenever I have aches and pains just from basic activities.  I'd expect them if I fell off my horse, or spent hours doing manual labor that I'm not used to, but getting them with so little cause is a sucky side effect of aging.

But at least its 14 miles so far this week.   I need to get cracking on the horse riding and I need to decide if I want to try to find a way to do more riding than what I think will be good for Sadie.  I'd like to shoot for riding quite a bit this year; but I do not want to buy another horse, its only this year that I think I might like riding more miles than I want to put on Sadie.  I can't decide whether to put out feelers to see if anyone would like to have someone do a feed lease on a horse.  I keep imagining the "are you kidding, why would I let *you* who is just a suzy slowpoke and doesn't ride that well have my horse for a season" 

  Plus not sure if I have time to leg up 2 horses before the ride season starts and normally I'm not all that keen to be hauling out to rides so often --but was talking so someone at the MRER convention a couple weeks ago and she said part of why she pushed and rode before she retired is that she didn't want to give up everything and have the military be her whole life and that resonated with me that I have been letting work and fandamily be way too much of my life and I should pursue the endurance riding like Ear Leader is going to impose a ration card for fuel and/or hay next year.  Rides I meant to do someday disappear,  I could get hurt, or laid off or any # of things so I should make a point of doing endurance while I can. 

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