Saturday, January 18, 2014

On carbonated muscle relaxer tonight

AKA beer therapy.   I came off of Sadie today,  I was so disgusted with myself for daydreaming and dinking around with doing some goofy neck stretches etc so when Sadie acted up a little bit I couldn't just ride through it and ended up on the ground.

So hitting the ibuprofen today and the program at work went out to celebrate today because congress finally passed a real budget and our program got put in NOAAs budget so the next launch of satellites should actually happen now.   Only took 5 years for the dems to actually pass a real budget instead of insisting on another CR to just perpetuate their pork from the early 2009 budget.  I told the admin I'd call going for a beer muscle relaxant therapy.  My back has been trying to spasm in one spot all day.  The happy hour beer helped quite a bit so I decided to have one at home late this evening.  

Sadie was a good girl after her mini spazz out and my stupid fall and I think my back will be OK but I'm kind of glad that I don't have any commitments, especially having to drive anywhere. 

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