Saturday, January 11, 2014

Finally got the first ride in this year

Took just a short slower ride, there is still a little snow on the ground.  Neighbor had a couple other guys over to target shoot.  Ole heard the shots and wussed out on coming.  He is skeered of gunfire.  Sadie got a little nervous going right past the shooting but she was pretty good.   She was worse right when I started out; probably testing me after having two weeks off; or possibly she was hearing the target shooting along with Ole.  I didn't hear it until we were much closer. 

Started packing up some of the Christmas stuff.  Dad got all the outside lights down but the boxes for the tree and ornaments are still in the attic so I won't take the tree down before tomorrow, and it may slide well into next week; its not hurting anything standing there in corner of the living room. 

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