Wednesday, July 27, 2011

slogging slogging slogging

Cue tune from Rawhide. Politics: total slog. I had this notion that I would make a serious effort to elect conservatives in 2010 and if it failed I'd start making plans for going Galt. Well, it did not fail, but it seems like we are very bogged down. It would have been darned hard to get the senate and in hindsight perhaps we should have gone with the party insider long time politician for senate in CO. But Buck was not some shyster who was just taking advantage of the tea party sentiment and I am still Pissed that Norton painted him as a chauvinist in the primary with a heavily edited quote --thanks bitch for handing that ammo to the commies for the general. But at any rate the GOP only took the House and some of the old-time GOP don't want to rock the DC beltway boat. I sincerely wish *maverick* "nothing to fear from Oblabla" McCain would get cancer and have to resign immediately, and that something would strike down Lindsey too. With *friends* like that who needs enemies? It also feels like many many other people are in a similar bog: Are we going to be stuck with I like big Gov. but I'll choose competent adults to run things Romney, or is there a strong candidate who will help fight to shrink some of the recent tumorous like growth of Federal and "executive" powers? What, if anything can we do right now to try to keep Barry from sinking the country?

Home: total slog: I cannot find a way to mount my solar garden lights solar cell to my trailer. I'll have to order a proper solar shed light from Amazon. Dang I wish Lowes would have had what I wanted in stock. Oh well. I guess I'll have some outdoor lights I can use somewhere or other. Sure feels like the goatheads and flies are winning lately. I do see some evidence of the weevils in the mini's alleyway and runs but I think the goatsheads are still going to set plenty of burrs. See what happens I am determined to not touch the goatsheads in there and just run this as an experiment. If the weevils take off in Aug/Sep and seem to prevent a good # of burrs maybe I'll order as many next year and only put them in big horse pens.

Riding: Well last times I was on a horse it was fun. Rode Sadie a few miles by herself on Sunday. I got off and led her past the trees and then mounted up and gave her lots of time and she went past them with me mounted on the way home. I think I have a good mount there. Riding Shade at White Ranch with L and Lady on saturday was fun but my memory was poor and it was way more technical and slow than I would have chosen for the 1 week before an endurance ride outing. Oh well, I'll see how Shade does. I did do some faster flat work a couple of mornings last week. I cling firmly to "don't train the week before a ride" but this week I've just felt too busy to saddle up and have been turning the horses into the pasture to stretch their legs and enjoy whatever grass grew with the early July monsoon rains we had,

Farrier: NOW I think I overly panicked and would not have needed to get Shade done (but I think her clinches were a bit loose) and all 4 horses had enough hoof to be able to trim -course I still thought I was going to tack on the 1.5 weeks gone for trail ride on after the Fort Meade ride when I made the appt but the endurance was the driver for Shade. I am now leaning towards trying to go through the Turkey Creek ride in 6.5 weeks and then skip shoeing until Grey needs done for hunting (unless I go to Moab but I think I'll pass this year, be nice to have Sadie and Shade both going and be able to feel confident that I can ride all 3 days between the 2 of them) I am toying with the idea of trying to get Sadie ready to to the Kenlyn 25 the first week of October instead of doing 50 on Shade. I could punt down to the fun ride if I think Sadie isn't legged up or it makes it easier to get someone to buddy me on Lady which I think I would like to do.

work: I should be running some statistics, writing some docu. and debugging something and have just been doing routine things instead. At some point I need to do more than the routine. Oh well enough whining, must peck away at some things.

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