Thursday, July 7, 2011

Sadie killed my favorite halter today

I had left Shades halter (not that I have hard fixed halter A for this horse rules) next to Sadie and Lady's pen so I just used it this morning on Sadie. I suppose I should not be doing things in my typical style with the green horse but I had the halter just tied around her neck to bridle her and was walking off fetch something and Sadie set back. She had the halter pulled almost over her ears and it was tight under her throat. I got her to take a 1/2 step forward but then she set back again so I grabbed my scissors from the trailer tack compartment and cut the halter since it was too tight to unsnap and I either didn't have a quick release knot like I thought I did or it was overwhelmed by wet cotton lead rope.

Sadie can be scar face for a few days but I'm sure its nothing deep, we went ahead and rode. She did give a couple of strong crowhops one place after a big snort that sent Lady speeding up in front of her but was a fairly good girl. Then at home I didn't take her to the tie spot but was just unsaddling her loose and didn't keep hold of her and she ran off with the saddle uncinched but still on her back for several steps. She let me put the pad and saddle back on so she is not traumatized by this but I MUST remember she is GREEN next time I go to ride her. I have to get moving to make sure I am not late to my private lesson before the centered riding clinic but am very sleepy now that all the adrenalin has worn off. Oh well couch sitting is not helping things along, must pack a few last things and GO.

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