Wednesday, July 20, 2011

odds and ends

I need farrier search vibes. I kept waiting because I was thinking I might be able to wait until after the trail riding trip to have Shade trimmed and reshod. But L did not get her balanced real well and lots of hoof growth for Sadie and Grey so I should get R done before the trip now if I can, it may be impossible to get someone on such short notice.

I got a pulled over yesterday for speeding. Cop only gave me a warning thankfully -- I did not make my case real well but he must have garnered that I was not deliberately speeding but just hadn't watched the speedometer close enough. THank goodness my old insurance cards were still valid until midnight and it reminded me to get the new ones in my wallet and the p/u console. I'll have to print out an extra copy for the car's glovebox.

Mom asked me for rent through the rest of the year yesterday. Well that is not exactly why I didn't let the cashier talk me into moving most of the checking funds into the mutual fund version but at least I could just write the check w/o having to log into the bank and move things around and no worries about penalties. I just hope that this is just buying all this hay which should be more than enough to get to second cuttings next year. I added $30/month to what I had been paying. Hay is actually cheaper this year, maybe I was underpaying a bit last year but I buy all my own grain and all the supplements that every horse on the place gets - even sandclear for the pesty mini's that no one messes with. They do make me grin sometimes so I guess that is worth what I spend on them but I don't know what the parents are getting out of them. Oh well, I think this means I can just give them cash for anniversary and christmas this year. WooHoo a good excuse to avoid shopping.

I cant decide who to ride today, but leaning towards taking Shade again. Yesterday I rode RazzMo and went with L on Lady. I'm in a rut of not getting to bed very early and moving way slow in the mornings, hate when I do that, I was thinking I should take Sadie by herself but I want to take a fun quick ride with more speed bits. Sadie will survive her slow start, heck I didn't send Shade out to be started until fall of her 4 year old year. ** I did take Shade, she was a bit non-enthusiastic but a good girl. I should figure out the adequan (how many doses left, when to time for the Fort Meade ride etc)

I think its a sign of spending too much time on the internet that I now find myself thinking "concern troll" in real life situations, but it is such a great term. When we were headed out for the last loop of the 55 back on the July 3 ride someone said something like "Oh, do you still have to do that last loop, poor things, I just looked at my p/u thermometer and its 95!" I just airily said, 'well at least there is lots of water on this loop' ~20 creek crossings and two stock dams up on top so talk about a loop with plenty of water for horses to drink and lots of sponging opportunities to help them cool down - but what a perfect example of a real life concern troll, trying to make me feel bad about riding my horse who was doing GREAT that last leg of the ride, and plant a seed of worry to nag me the whole loop. She had been riding there, not sure if LD's or the 55s but either way she knew the loop had lots of water and it was not like she was some lay person who had no idea what horses are capable of, just being a concern troll for no reason.

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