Sunday, July 24, 2011

I should go outside

I think I have a harder time switching gears to from surfing the web when I can't find any content I enjoy. Like I keep refreshing wanting some entertainment before I go do something and feeling cheated. I used to have this problem with snacking/general eating too, and have learned to somewhat compensate and also be more picky and plan a bit better usually so I have something that I will really enjoy and won't be left feeling cheated and eating more volume in a counterproductive effort to compensate.

But I don't really know how to do the same thing with the internet. Have to expand my number of sites perhaps and just be smarter about avoiding a sometimes favorite for a while if it it doesn't resonate, or else just learn to walk away and figure content may be better that night or something.

Stupid mom is trying to sabotage the trail riding trip by having cramps/spasms in her butt muscles. We CANNOT just skip the trip this year but I am a bit wavering on sticking to starting it next week because waiting until the first week of Sept could work for me wrt to endurance rides I want to attend timing wise; might be better weather wise; and might be better or should not be any worse for work timing and the relatives the folks want to visit not being busy trying to put things back to normal after Minot flooding the end of june and not wanting to mess with visitors. I guess I should call sis and sound her out if dad doesn't have labor day plans --maybe, I am really tired of the "oh my health wont allow this" card; it is nearly as overused as the racism card from the prez she voted for. Damn liberals.

1 comment:

Gerrick said...

If its hot and muggy like here, going outside is a mistake.

Butt cramps?

Sounds painful.