Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I carefully avoided food all morning and had only black tea before going in for sort of annual mammogram and blood tests for cholesterol and blood sugar and the lab tech said "oh, I'll take the blood sugar test off and you can take that later" when I told her I would go to Starbucks afterwards because I had only had black tea in the morning. One can only have water for 8 hours before the blood test.

I swear when I did the bloodwork for health fairs at work they never said we had to avoid tea or coffee, just that they could not have any sugar or cream in them, and I thought it was 12 hours of 'fasting'. Well I don't think I have any blood sugar issues that I have to worry about so I am not going to be in any hurry to not even have morning tea before I feed horses and drive myself to Boulder. I'll wait until things have slowed down; still what a waste; I always have caffeine, every single day so if my blood sugar is ok with caffeine on board then its ok IMO.

My new cpu at work is frustrating me. I cannot figure out how to set the default font size big, nor how to set the xterm windows to be a different color and the black and white is frustrating me because the black text seems too faint. At least I did find a way to increase the font size in each xterm window with a google search. Also my ssh connections to the actual working computers keep getting dropped. I will have to get the sys admin to install VNC next week when he is back from his vacation or something. I had quit using the VNC on my old desktop MAC because it stopped dropping connections and it was always a pain to set up the VNC windows when I had to reboot it after a software updates and so on.

Target was out of sudafed again. I don't need it immediately, but the fact that they are running out makes me think I should stockpile as far out as the expiration dates go; these manufacturer shortages and things will only get worse as the Obaconomy continues to drag this country towards ruinous levels of debt and spending and the hostility to any company or person that makes something well enough to turn a profit deepens. SIGH.

Tomorrow I should try to take the tires I killed off my trailer and try to get some solar shed lights at Lowes to put in the travel trailer I bought from the neighbors to take up to WY for storage and as a bit of a marker for where I want to put buildings later. I keep feeling so overwhelmed when I think about getting the well in and stuff up there but I also worry that if I don't act soon inflation will eat away my savings. Darn it, the Carter years were only 28 years before the MarxSpewMedia and "I have a duty to lose" McCain got the first TellyTubby president elected . It gets hard to keep consoling myself with McCain would have been going along, trying to please the MsM anyway and the tea party might not have happened -- lord I hope you will send this country the leadership and spirit of "take care of ourselves" we need to get through this. Oh and Romney would not have been much better IMO so I won't even beat myself up about not being involved in the primaries but sheesh the country/world seems to be in a tight spot now.

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