Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sigh, I am so out of shape for riding

Or much of anything I guess but it was riding just 15 miles today and the vet check and post ride care of Lady that wiped me out. I've got to get serious about riding if I want to finish the mountain mettle 50 on Shade in 7 weeks. Feels like the tree pollen probably got me a little bit today but mainly I'm just out of shape. Lady did really well. I wanted to take her to this fun ride which has a vet student doing the fun riders so there would not be time pressure if Lady went "AACK VET" and needed extra time but I mentioned her bugaboo to the vets, they took a little extra time to show her there were no needles anywhere and Lady was fine. We took 3.5 hours to ride the 15 miles. We did a fair amount of walking but not a ton so I think I have confirmation that the corto is not that fast of a gait compared to a good ground eating trot (as opposed to show horse jogging) We only cantered a small amount. Hopefully I bounce back enough tomorrow to get some saddle time on my bay mares if the weather is as good as today ---felt cold and damp at times but never rained on us and also had periods of calm with nice sun.


Gerrick said...

What kind of shape do you have to be in to ride?

Or is this more of a case of buttocks endurance?

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Don't have to be very fit to ride, and I shouldn't have had to use my core muscles much to stay balanced riding the corto, but just getting up early and riding + carrying stuff the 1/2 mile to the vet check and back & forth a couple times wore me out. I'll have to toughen to be ready to resume riding 50s.