Sunday, April 3, 2011

Would reading Carnegie help?

Its is so frustrating when I cannot convince anyone of danger ahead ie. in 2008 when a little web research convinced me that the nation was about to elect the sleziest Chicago politician in history. Last night I had a thought and I don't think its just overnight nonsense like overnight solutions to numerical computation issues often are.

I am convinced that a big segment (or perhaps just the cool segment that others follow) of the media has been spoon-fed marxist ideology by their journalism professors (that should be an oxy-moron right there.) They may be unaware that their thinking is straight out of the communist manifesto but they believe that socialism is the answer to the worlds problems and that they are serving a high moral purpose by spinning, filtering --and even at times *cough* Tina Fey *cough* making up the news that they report. But I cannot seem to persuade anyone that they need to start viewing the media as propagandists rather then sources of information. So frustrating.

In fact my frustration boiled over last night riding Shade. She was being a dink, and when she spooked at nothing and I came off I lost my temper, smacked her with the reins a bit (not a good way to react to being able to hold a rein and keep her with me) then I ran her a mile in the deep sand of the dry irrigation ditch. Oh well at least my temper evaporates within several minutes. She was blowing HARD, but it will probably come out as mostly building up heart/lung fitness. Horses are so sweet, she didn't hold any grudge or act skeered of me when we got home and I untacked and curried the dried sweat off of her. Probably a good thing I didn't ride Lady, although she would have been way less likely to push buttons in first place.

Earlier in the day when it was hot I worked with Sadie. Finally got back on her, woot. I was channeling my inner horse trainer then and being nice and calm. Sadie heled too --she didn't push any buttons either, cantered for me when I longed her even though it was hot --which was my choice so she would be quiet when I climbed aboard. Longed her at trot and canter, ground drove with walk trot and back up 4-5 steps and then climbed on and walked her around the arena both directions and called it good. Hopefully this continues and maybe I can find someone to come out and ride out with me in a month or three when Sadie is ready. I'm losing hope that mom will ever get over feeling sick and be that person but I can probably find someone who would do it as a favor.


Gerrick said...

I would but your in Colorado and I am in North Wisconsin.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

What a sweet comment. I have riding buddies, including some who would not mind 'babysitting' so long as the babysitting was not every ride; I just hate to ask them to come out here but would prefer not to combine riding out the first time with hauling somewhere with the young horse. Oh well I lots of homework in the arena before she'll be ready to worry about it.

Gerrick said...

Heh, I have a friend who would dearly love the chance to ride a horse often.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Well I do for now have the Paso Fino that is a pretty easy ride. I wont put most people on my arabs --not all arabs act 'hot' or spooky but mine do to a fair extent and its not for everyone. Or is your friend in WI too? Definitely not commuting distance even w/o a horse in tow.

Gerrick said...

Yes, he is.