Wednesday, April 13, 2011

About ready to 'Go Galt'

Maybe it will be just a temporary round of depression/extra cynicism but it feels like its impossible to overcome the tide of all the "gimme mine" people. Today it doesn't feel like it is worth it to try to push for "extreme" Eye roll - changes to the budget and entitlement system. Why should conservatives invest so much emotional and political energy just to save the socialist system we fundamentally disagree with from collapse? Let the effing Marxists and facists (in the true sense of big businesses wanting government protections from new competitors/small businesses) have free rein and collapse the dam thing sooner rather than later. We *might* still have enough intelligent people now to set up a new REPUBLIC but the longer we prop up this crappy system the more time they have to erase memories and history of how things worked when the government existed to enforce rule of law that applied equally to the person starting up a business from home as to the wealthy scion with money for bribes and personal guards.

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