Monday, February 15, 2010

End of the 3-day weekend.

Hmmm, what was I going to journal again? Feel so sleepy. I'm popping zinc again because I woke with a sore throat, and even though it mostly went away after my tea I still kind of felt like that starting to get a cold feeling. I haven't taken any on an empty stomach and not feeling any tummy rebellion so hopefully I can give the germs heavy metal poisoning and stay healthy. I think I'll take the hot stuff tonight also. I am feeling a bit stuffy now. I drank the last of my Grand Mariner after flavoring a batch of fudge. I must have put in more last batch because I couldn't taste it. Oh well chocolate is supposed to be the main flavor, not being able to taste the mariner is not a problem, I just still have not remembered to buy vanilla and figured I would add a little something extra. So one batch got a tablespoon+ of Mariner, and one batch got 1.5 tablespoons of rum. I still have to buy a bunch of stuff to fill the large size box. Maybe I'll stop at a Safeway and get some jerky. Target doesn't have much for jerky and I have not sent any jerky and not much roasted nuts to my newest soldier. I've been attempting home-made goodies and I think the fudge is passable but I can probably gear up for more protein and salty snacks.

I never did ride Razz this weekend. The breeze was cold yesterday so I wimped out on any riding and today I rode Shade in the paddock and my legs felt too tired to try riding Razz as well. Possibly I'll try to ride him tomorrow. If I want to build up riding muscles I've got to keep at it. Hopefully I wont get sick and the 4 day work week will go by smooth and quickly. I did get my rings sewn on my barefoot saddle yesterday and rode in it today. Feels like it still needs a tweak, but I'll ride more miles in it, the only thing I could tweak w/o major production is the thickness of my cantle padding. I'd make it thinner than what I have right now, but it more felt like the saddle was a bit downhill than that the seat was too short. So maybe I need a bit more wither padding under the saddle or maybe I just need to get used to it. I think I'll try to hang my picture. That project has been stalled for over 2 weeks as well.

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