Monday, February 22, 2010

Anyone want a free overly friendly dog?

I was about ready to shoot dad's dog on saturday morning. He ran off to play with the neighbors dog in the 15 minutes I was getting grain ready for the horses. Then when I grabbed my car keys and went looking for him he and the neighbors dog he ran over to visit were running around and the neighbor kids couldn't call their dog. Arrghhhh. I put a leadrope on Ole and ran him on leash through the window 1/2 a mile and then made him drag the leash and took him about 3 miles. At least he was then content to sleep on the couch the rest of the day. So yesterday I took him and Mia for a run before I grained the horses and I've been putting the lead rope on him when I feed. Today I took the dogs for a run, and while I was walking along thinking, I realized Mia had already turned for home. Between the two of them they are REALLY turning me into a cat person.

I didn't ride all weekend. We got about 4 inches of fluffy snow. Snow was fluffy because it was pretty cold out. I did however get to fix fence yesterday. I don't blame the horses for this though; just the crappy fencing. On MY property corners are going to be H-braced. Stupid slant posts with a bitty ground stop do not hold up long term. My temporary fix is even more half a$$ed as I just pounded in a steel T-post to take the place of post that had been tugged out of post hole. The post doesn't look like its damaged at all, its like it just popped out. Probably the post was not set as deep as it should have been as well as not being a good H brace. I'll have to talk dad into drilling that hole over and drilling another one so I can H brace it --when the weather is warmer. In the meantime its is 'only' a dividing fence. Actually I am thinking that I may try to hire someone to fix up that pasture fence. I really don't want to mess with it.

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