Friday, June 12, 2009

random maundering

Not sure if I'll find someone to ride with this weekend. I think I'll go to Waterton Canyon if I have to go alone, or maybe I'll just ride at home, I got one sky hook off my old trailer and got my bulk fuel tank back against the front wall of my p/u bed. Need to get the drill out to anchor the tank and mount the overhead trailer tie on the big ass trailer, should worm mom's horses, do some packing for the endurance ride on the 20th, Razz and AJ's riders will probably be here at the same time together tomorrow. It has been raining every night on my drive home, but has dried up by 11pm so I could feed, but tonight its thundering still. I should probably move hay on the weekend and mom wants to pick out flooring. Well if we can go to Lowes and I can give an example of this color and design works fine but I don't want to waste hours and hours. Heck I don't even know whether to go for light color or darker. I think light, a dark color would probably not work with the dark stained waterbed frame. I am having to fetch some surface met values from a website and do several editing steps because I couldn't find the raw data files archived anywhere.

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