Sunday, June 14, 2009

CJ and AJ got worked saturday.

I was riding CJ, his leasor switched to her DHs insurance and has been stuck waiting to make sure she is covered. She had mentioned riding to a co-worker. M has background in jumping and had leased a TB right off the track before so she is a good fit for AJ. She was out last week for the first time and AJ was good but was the energizer bunny, not wanting to walk; but he was really good riding with CJ. Good to know that having another horse being ridden in the small arena probably calms him down and certainly doesn't wind him up.

I'm going to schedule chiro for Shade after next saturday. Doing a hilly 30 mile LD, and then if things work out doing a 55 two weeks after. I'm going to have the chiro work on CJ while he is out. He does NOT want to take the left lead. He was grumpy about being asked to canter at all to the left but I pushed him through but he took the counter lead every time but got much less grumpy when I just let him canter a bit and then drop to trot to make a corner instead of trying to correc the lead.

I also noticed when he is going clockwise his body seems to collapse to the center, then I was playing around trying to get him to flex and he feels really sticky to give his head to the left and ribs to the right (having trouble describing concisely) but feels like I can't open him up to be in position to take the left lead so no wonder I cant get it.

So hopefully a chiro adjustmet will unstick whatever is stuck. If not its not a crying disaster. He is a pack horse and sometimes mom's mount for annual hunting trip for my parents and his leasor just wants to play with a horse. I bought a no-name treeless saddle last week and tried it on him. He seems to think its pretty comfy so I'll ask his leasor to use it, the little barrel saddle was not really hurting him but it just didn't feel like it was right.
The new treeless is definitely NOT the quality of the Barefoots, but it set-up for easy tweaking. It has zips for pommel, cantle and a vecro seam in the fleece underside. So I could put closed cell foam inserts in for extra spinal relief. Right now it works for CJ (I did replace the cantle piece with some soft stuffing) and I think it would work for Grey Moun to let someone ride him if they were not comfy with the thought of the LJ so its meeting my needs. Today I must try to ride Shade and Grey, The ride in 3 weeks is having an 11 mile poker ride on sunday and I want to do that with Grey after I do an endurance ride on Shade saturday.

Pretty sure Sadie was having bug bite itchies rather than worms. I noticed a lot of bite bumps on her so I've been adding some garlic to her feed and spraying her. She doesn't like the tickle but is getting used to it pretty quickly. I was using one product that is just a repllenent and the spray is more tickly from that one I guess as she really gets antsy with it, so I'll just use the endure brand that is also supposed to last a few days between applications. She still has bumps but I haven't seen her scratching so perhaps she is not getting itchy new bites.

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