Monday, June 15, 2009

eh, I'm due for a political/media vent

Mostly the media (televison). I've been cynical of politicians most of my life, but only recently realized that the media are not just leaning liberal in their opinions on the news, they are very much filtering and distorting the news to fit their viewpoint.

So the new names behind the initials:

Need Baracks Cooperation (GE, gets big windfalls in 'green' stimulus projects and was bailed out)
Always Baracks Comrad
Carrying Baracks Spin
Concealed Communist Network
Mostly Swooners that Need Baracks Cooperation.

Yes I do fill just a little bit better. I rode Grey Moun this morning. What a bouncy horse he is when he is wound up. But he was a good boy. I love that I know he'll be fine with meeting the road grader and stuff like that. Mia was hot and tired when we got home. Oh and I better call and make sure someone let or lets Ole out of the backyard. He rolled in stinky so I 'scrubbed' the spot with some wet sand when I dumped and scrubbed the big tank and made him go in the yard to dry off. Mr friendly was chasing a stray cat that was in there and I really thought he would hurt it, surprised me, he is soooo good with our cats. They were at a standoff finally when the cat felt he had to turn and be prepared to fight and I was able to grab Ole, then the cat jumped on a dog house roof and into a tree branch with trees trunk on the outside of the fence so all he had to do was make sure Mia was not going to get him when he came down and get himself out of the farmyard. He wasn't going to have any problems outrunning her or slipping through the field fencing.

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