Saturday, May 2, 2009

well the chocolate was good

I was going to be so good tonight, make pasta with the fake crab mom had left in the fridge while she is in Rochester getting tested for every possible thing that might be causing her pain and fatigue. Well I guess the glass sauce pan was not stove top safe, perhaps the fish was too old to be safe so fate was intervening to save me. So I hope I didn't get a glass splinter or food poisoning eating the bit I did because I was too hungry and pissed to get something else. Still, several servings tossed in the trash; so much for taking 'home cooked' to eat at work next week to reduce trash creation and all that. So I had a generous serving of dark chocolate with espresso bits for dessert to make it up to myself. Gaia is going to have to live me recycling the trays when I eat at work, like I've been doing.

I rode CJ and Razz today. I am not up to ride CJ very often unless my back gets really good. He has a small jog and didn't feel terribly rough as I rode but my back didn't think it felt good at all. Razz isn't gaited or anything but he feels so smooth and easy. I was going to grab Shade, but she said she'd get cold, well Razz and I did get sprinkled on so perhaps she was right. The weather was dry and it wasn't much wind until late afternoon so the endurance ride was probably pretty pleasant for those who went. Well last year I thought Shade picked up a respiratory bug at this ride and we lost all the condition we had had so I guess I was nervous to go this year, as well as feeling too lazy.

Even though I thought I wanted to get riders for CJ and Razz so I could focus on my horses and I am not really doing that yet I am pretty happy so far. It feels right to have them getting some use. CJ was much easier to catch and Razz was pretty easy to bridle today so they are getting some good general purpose training.

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