Friday, May 29, 2009


Been fighting headaches and being sleepy early in the afternoons all week. I am behind on sleep, and would not surprise me if I'm a bit dehydrated. + its flowering season. I don't get full blown allergies but I get extra stuffy every year about this time. Still I sure am glad it is friday.

On the good side I rode Shade wednesday and today. It was hot today, I didn't go very far. Mia was pumped to go though, she turned and went down road 33 instead of letting me tie her on the other side of road 6. Ole was dinking around the prairie dog town for so long I was getting nervous he had snuck off to Tate, but he was up there when I drove up with the car looking after I finished my ride, and filled the water tank, let horses out to pasture and got dressed for work. Darn dog went back to playing after he saw me, I had to turn the car around and drive right back up to where he was. Spoilt thing. Oh well he should be content to stick around for mom now I hope. Dr Mike was out for vaccinations and coggins yesterday. $$, I had blood pulled from Cindy and Sadie so I can haul them along if I do horse travel and don't trust the farm sitter. I must quit dinking and try to arrange some riding plans for sunday. I need to put some energy into having fun or I may blow a gasket with the frustrating dogs and sick people.

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