Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Riding summary

Friday skipped riding. Saturday rode Shade at home, sunday rode CJ, messed with mini's -grooming +grass. Rode AJ, OMG he was the energizer bunny. He would not walk, I did get him to stop in a corner where he could look out and see Shade on pasture and let myself rest a few times. Well finally after getting brave enough to let him canter some and a stop break I asked him to walk and called it quits after a quarter lap of him obliging.

Sooo I think I'll have the new leasor start with RazzMo if she makes it out. I'll probably do the full ride Grey and let me watch to make sure she is a rider, not just a pretty passenger, then have her ride Razz while I ride AJ a few times and let her decide if she wants to deal with AJ. Razz's leasor is only coming 1x/week so he could really use more exercise anyway.

Yesterday I rode Shade, I thought I should leave Mia tied in the shade at home but she was sure she wanted to come, so when I got to my 1/2 mile corner I tied her. She is white so not having shade is not a big deal, she trotted home with good energy when I swung back after my out and back ride on Shade. But she was hot, she wanted to come in the house and sleep while I was at work. She probably could have stayed cooler outside, she certainly thought it was the better idea today. The house doesn't cool off in the evenings. Today I ran the tractor and did some hand scooping with the neighbors grandson manning the heavy manure fork and cleaned one of the horse sheds. Then I put got some tractor buckets of sand to fill in where it had been a pee spot and he spread it around some. Then I ran a load of laundry and tossed in the dryer before showering and heading to work. I think I earned the root beer float I had with lunch. He is definitely earning his pay for cleaning the horse pens.

I will probably get mom this weekend. Well I WILL get her from Naomi's. I'll have to figure out about being on call. I really wanted to just get it done so I can go ride on the 4th, and over labor day, god willing and the horse is sound. But can I manage it being gone? I'd better try to get a backup and take a weekend or 2 for them I suppose.

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