Sunday, September 21, 2008

Why we named him Sven

OK - first you have to know the Ole/Sven/Lena jokes. Do a search for Sven and Ole jokes if you need background.

Today I grabbed an old web halter next to where Shade was, rather than her usual halter and I chose the ratty soft lead over the stiff one. As I groomed her Sven had to come over and play with the lead.

I went to the house and grabbed my camera rather than grabbing a clean lead to protect the kitty from the "spooky AYrab." LOL, although she can start pretty good at times.

So Shade entertained 4 souls today. Ole looks pensive because he cant wait till we get started, Mia isn't in the pic but we did a short loop and she tagged along too and I made sure Shade and I didn't go over top of her. Then I left the dogs at home and rode Shade a bit more. The goofball had some spazz moments riding actually, but no harm to her or me.

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