Thursday, September 18, 2008

rabies vaccine yesterday =extra quiet horses for farrier today

hmmm --maybe its too bad I don't vaccinate for every last thing. --None of the horses seemed sore or miserable today after getting their rabies shots yesterday but they were all extra quiet to be worked on. This means only Razz and CJ tugged feet, and Sadie only tried to chew on me but was not a squirmy mess. -- I gave Sadie some horse treats and she thought she should have more, oh well I'm a softy, she didn't actually bite me so I pretty much let it slide that she was tugging at my windbreaker trying to find extra treats.

But sniff sniff, I am going to have to find a new farrier before too long. R is going to move to South Carolina when her house sells. Her husband took a job there. They were on verge of divorce but reconciled but in meantime he had lost his job here and took one in South Carolina. I'm trying to be noble and be happy for her and did say "oh good" when she announced reconciliation. But its hard to find a really good farrier, and Shade needs someone who is pretty skilled. I don't put near the miles on her that some endurance horses get, but its enough that things have to be correct and Shade will grow more uneven if the farrier does not get her close to perfect.

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