Friday, September 26, 2008


I had to retype that, been that kind of week and day. Thank goodness I hooked up my little trailer today. Its the first time I've done so since taking the camper off my pickup, and the trailer jack could not lift my hitch high enough with the truck not squatted down from the weight of the camper. I had to get a cinder block under my tongue, raise my jack a few inches and get a thicker block under it; then start the getting hooked up process over. That would not have been fun to realize in the morning darkness.

I guess its lucky I need daylight to hook up and turn my trailer around, otherwise I would have left it till tomorrow and been cussing the delay. Oh I hope the ride goes ok. I always get a few extra butterflies when I choose to trailer over in the morning. I'm not a morning person and have managed to mess up driving to the ride in the past. I better be able to recall from April and the many years I've been going to it this time!

I opened the gate so Sadie and Shade could play with the other 4 horses some this morning and I could get Shade in the small pen. Well she had other ideas this morning so I asked mom to just have V skip feeding them so they are more likely to go where I want tonight. I'll have to allow some extra time for Shade to run around in the morning regardless. Just the nature of my girl, she likes to tease me a bit, and especially when she senses the butterflies.

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