Monday, April 28, 2014

Had a short ride on Saturday with L and Lady joining me on Sadie

How boring is that?  Someday soon I must get in gear to arrange some riding dates with people who will expand my boundaries with the young mare rather than me scaling back my at home rides to be comfy for L and Lady.   Oh well it was still vitamin H.

Then I put horses out and helped dad pull posts out where the old fenceline had been.  We are progressing on that project although its slow going.

Sunday it was damp and cold and I binge read David Webster's Honor Harrington.  Fun read,  it was a free intro download but I'll buy some of his work.   Not a lot real soon if I stay healthy because I can't be spending too many 10 hour days just binging on a fun space military adventure novel but its nice to have another author that I enjoy.   I should make a list of authors that are write fun novels that illustrate the benefit of conservative themes some day.

I pulled a bunch of weeds and grass Friday, over the weekend and this morning and I NEED to get over my unease and set about hiring some labor.  I will never catch up with all the cheat grass in the big flower bed even if I quit doing any riding for a week or two, this older, out of shape body just isn't up to it; and its not like it would be struggle to pay for the labor.

  I don't know why I have this hang-up about hiring labor.  I don't have a problem buying tools to make my life easier or even just buying for fun stuff and I don't hesitate to get a professional for veterinary or car mechanic etc work.   Maybe I've read too many stories with the Fugitive theme where a general laborer  comes back to rob the place or something.

 I also want to write an ad to free-cycyle some used shingles as i found that there were just a few shingle scraps in the little orchard area but they were holding up well for blocking weeds and grass, whereas the original weedblock fabric is no longer helping at all.   I found a few more shingle scraps in the backyard which is getting to be decent grass cover and can just be mowed now but I'd like to cover the whole orchard spot and the russian olive beds south of the house with shingles and not have to worry about weeding then anymore.  

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