Thursday, April 17, 2014

A canter is the cure for every evil or least for modest stress

Had a fun ride today on Sadie.  Asked her to spend more time in higher gear because I need to get some actual conditioning started if I'm going to actually complete some rides this year and if I don't at least get back to completing some LD's while I have money and health and time if I don't waste too much of it browsing the web I'm going to kick myself if one or more of those things goes away.

I slept well and am thinking that the head pains of yesterday which are back but on the other side  today but only in the last hour is very likely from tension wrt to work and also that I'm having different head tilt because my desktop cpu crashed and the replacement monitor is a bit different.  Although the disk got replaced and the sys admin restored (maybe --if the data copy sent to back up was not too corrupted because disk was already getting flaky ) over a week ago  he has not put it back on my desk.    There have been other things taking some of his time but I may need to start whining a bit in case he is hesitating thinking I'll be upset if the restore failed.   I won't be upset at him if stuff was lost cuz its my fault for not asking that my desktop be included in the backups or making a backup myself on an external drive.

So anyway, trying to be aware of  head and keep a more neutral position and do a bit more stretching and I backed off my Sudafed and caffeine to aid that along.  Also backed off on taking Alleve or another NSAID so that any pain would be easier to isolate.   Arggghh the borrowed computer has some auto-correction enabled and is being a PITA busy-body, changing my slang and such.

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