Wednesday, May 25, 2011

wednesday again already?

Well the good news is that I have been riding a bit more although I didn't (b)log it here. Rode Shade saturday and monday. Worked with Sadie on stepping in water saturday, very draining but she did remember in the end that "oh yeah I like to play in water, it is NOT a scary thing" Then sunday I rode Sadie and it was pretty good. Also on sunday my mom actually rode Lady, YAY! I rode Grey Moun just in case of problems but mom and Lady got along pretty well and we actually went a 3 mile loop ride. I was prepared for mom to declare she had to turn around before hitting the mile out point so that was good.

I had put a craigslist ad for people to lease lady about sunday the week before this because I thought mom was never going to do any riding and yesterday I had two emails. Well I'm inviting them both out to try things. Unless the folks live in one of the small towns near me there is a good chance one or both will fizzle out after they figure out their gas costs for a round trip. If that doesn't happen then perhaps one will be advanced enough to handle RazzMo and he would get some more legging up before the ND trail ride trip we hope to take this summer.

I actually took a few pictures last week, maybe I'll get them up here later.

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