Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sadie is so smooth

Yesterday after I had mounted and was just walking her and letting her look around she stopped in a corner and was looking at the horses across the road or something. Then something startled her and she did a rollback with canter depart. I am LOVING this little bay mare. LOL sounds funny -like I love that she had a spook, but it was so smooth it was easy to sit even in the OF saddle which sits high off the horses back and I pulled her up in 3-4 strides and we had our normal ride, she kept a wary eye on that corner but was not obnoxious about it. WTC each direction and just a bit of trot after the second canter as I don't want her thinking that cantering is the only goal of a ride. Next ride I think I pull Lady out to stand tied and ride in their paddock. I'm a bit bored in the little arena but not quite ready to ride her out.

I rode Lady in the evening. She was pretty good and I am thinking again I might be able to coax mom to ride her a little bit and ride out with me the first few times on Sadie. We will see what happens. If mom is not going to ride her at all then I need to get my butt in gear and try to arrange some kind of 'feed lease' so I can spend more time riding my forever horses.

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