Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday monday

Cant think of a good title. Probably can't even compose a decent few sentences. I wore myself out this weekend fighting goatsheads and there are still a lot of areas chock full of them. Sighh. Mom is sickly again. Either she got a big relief from surgery to remove the implants through power of positive thinking or she is subconsciously making herself sick. I vary what I believe, she has no reason to sabotage herself now, she loves to garden and with the economy and her age there cant be much be expectation that she will get a practice going now but perhaps she doesn't believe this deep in the subconscious. I know she is not deliberately making herself sick; probably I have read too many psycho babble bits and that is why I wonder about the subconscious possibility. Ole Ole Ole, I cant bear to write much but he is having glimmers of dog aggression and with his habit of slipping off that cannot be ignored. I'm leaning toward sending him over the bridge before he hurts a dog or worse a kid gets bitten trying to break something up but he is not my dog so I will have to discuss with dad - he will probably just want to put of dog fencing on the north side but I will stress to him that the dog probably should be on a leash when exercising him too and if he is not willing to commit to keeping the dog on a lead off property and making damn sure the property is dog proof fenced .....

Well I am going to cry in the shower now.

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