Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Feeling down

I feel like a blog killer. I know that is ridiculous vanity; people don't stop blogging because of one lurker who occasionally makes a lightweight comment but I was following a few blogs that have dried up recently and I'm bummed about no longer getting to read little notes about how the author's lives are going.

Politics --its a messy business, that's one reason I always avoided having much involvement but I am depressed that my state seems to be rolling over on handing the 7th district to the D's. I like the conservative candidate but I'm not hearing much about him --of course I barely follow any traditional news because its so biased...... The candidate I thought was a lock for GOP gov nomination and likely winning the general election has a plagarism issue now. The shocker is the progda local papers ran with the story in early july instead of sitting on it until after the primary. I just don't know much about the other GOP candidate, and a local talk show host was saying he didn't think that candidate could win. Well he is not a genius -- he didn't acquit himself that well during Katrina aftermath. Now I know in hindsight the media wanted to beat up on Bush but still -Brown was not that great as FEMA director and although I had enjoyed some of his radio shows if he is just going to go "we have to fight the good fight, but we'll only make inroads at local level GOP areas in terms of getting more conservatives in power" I don't need the negativity.

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