Wednesday, July 28, 2010

It'll cure us or kill us

And I have no idea which way things will go. I am talking of course of God letting the commies/progressives get this amount of power in 2008. I still believe that squishy McCain going along with much of what they wanted + the progda media we have might have led to even greater power in the progs' hands in 2012, and too late for a tea party movement to do anything then. But the GOP has enough progressives or at least RINO's who liked being the minority opposition, winking and nodding at the progressives while 'opposing' them just enough to keep their voters content to keep sending them back to the beltway that it is not at all a sure thing that conservatives will get the wins we NEED to restore and keep America functioning as a republic that respects the rights of its citizens.
I don't so much care about the governors race in CO. I don't consider myself a citizen of this state, its just a temporary place because I have a decent job here so I don't care too much if they blow it and Hickinlooper hurts the state. The effing yuppies and beggars deserve any pain that comes. But I don't have any sense that the GOP is helping Angle in NV; they may likewise leave it entirely to the "those uppity tea-party twerps" to help with the senate campaign should Buck win the primary in this state. I don't see much indication that they have a plan to take back the state congress, or support the GOP candidates in the 3 districts that I think the GOP could reclaim from the DNC. etc. etc.

Oh well I guess I will just keep on keeping on. Trying to plan for some worst case possibilities, mainly enjoying life as much as possible while the things I like are still allowed and affordable. I know the Sierra Club would dearly love to ban horse trailers from public lands or at least have $10/gallon fuel to deter us and so on and so on, and the NBPP and NAACP probably thinks the gub'mint should seize all money from any 'filthy rich whiteys who can afford horses' and give it to the 'poor downtrodden' inner city yutes so they can buy the latest sneakers and hi-def TV's + drugs to keep them in the ghetto's where the DNC masters want them.

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