Thursday, January 14, 2010

Winter funk

Or something. Yesterday I decided I will bite the bullet and move the cantle on my bareback saddle. Ugh, I hate that I am still messing with it. But yesterday I realized I was struggling to sit on my seat bones in part because the foam I tied to my cantle so I wont slide back behind my stirrups feels funky when I try to sit correctly. Doesn't make it impossible to be correct but I want correct to feel easy and natural darn it, I have too much tendency to roll forward as it is. So I will move the cantle so I can toss the seat cover and foam, I HATE having anything wrinkled or bunched under my crotch or seat bones.

Razz had his feet trimmed yesterday so I'll give him a while before riding. I cannot stand when a horse is tender footed, and do not care to acclimate even the tiniest bit to it. This farrier doesn't dig away all their sole or anything but still, give the hoof a chance to adjust after the trim.
So I rode Shade in my LJ bareback pad, w/o using the stirrups. She is flat harder to ride correctly than Razz. I've probably developed upside down muscling in her over years of not riding correctly plus she is a smaller horse and quick to boot. She was striding fast for me some today but it felt quick and choppy, not the good feeling I had on Razz on tuesday. I am having to work to not be overly bummed out. She did drop her head and round a bit at times at least. When she was walking relaxed there was not much motion to follow and it felt like she was just dinking, when she was going faster she had her head up and it was a choppy power walk, I had trouble moving quickly enough to be in sync with her, and she just does not round up and feel nice the instant I'm correct or close to it like Razz does. Oh well, hundreds of endurance horses have and do cover hundreds of miles with poor form hauling a rider who is not in perfect form either; it is NOT the end of the world if she continues to be one of those as long as she is not sore and miserable from it, and she hasn't been so far.

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