Wednesday, January 6, 2010

snow through my office window doesn't make me feel cozy

I am happy I don't have on outside job on days like this, but I guess an office building is just not capable of being cozy. The temps were mild overnight and I could have hopped on Razz a bit this morning but I did not. I had expected it to already be snowing &/or cold when I woke up and with 44F predicted for sunday and having had little rides the last 5 days so no cabin fever I just stuck to my planned target run; and even forgot to stop at feed store to buy more horse mineral, sigh. Oh well, its not like not having water, the horses will be fine for a few days or even a week. They get some minerals in their feed and are getting salt to make sure they keep drinking and mineral deficiency is only a problem when its chronic over a long term.

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