Sunday, January 24, 2010

Are Conservatives too easily contended?

I probably shouldn't use this deep thought title when I'm not going to do something in depth like neo-neocon etc. But free speech and all that. I rode Shade yesterday, only 3 miles and today was warmer than forecast and the wind died down about an hour before it got dark so after scrubbing and refilling my water tanks I rode Razz for a little bit in the paddock. Made fail proof fudge yesterday and it was. So easy, just melt choc chips and condensed milk in double boiler. I was out of vanilla so put in a tablespoon of grand mariner instead. Yummy. Good thing I made it to send in a care package or I would have OD'd on sugar, I had just a little extra after filling the gladware container so we got to sample a couple pieces. I would have been confident anyway from the pan scrapings.

Anyway, a few small accomplishments, horses were great and I felt correct in some things some of the time but lots of room for improvement; and I am ending my weekend in a state of high contentment.

Liberals always seem to be fretting. it will be cold nights so my open mornings probably won't feel rideable for a little while but I don't have angst that I have to work. I don't resent people who inherited or married money and don't have to work a paid job, I don't resent people with more natural riding talent and/or better ability to keep track of what they are doing and not go off on tangents that worsen their riding like I seem to do. etc etc.

So I got a bit philosophical while feeding horses, liberals are hardly ever happy so they always have that negative energy driving them to push for government to try to make things more 'fair' etc etc. Conservatives tend to be contented so we adjust to what is and only get energized when the socialists really get pushy.

But when conservatives do get energized they tend to succeed, do we have the advantage of not using the dark side of 'the force'? OK thats my pop psychology for the month. Its funny because the MarxistSpewingMedia always tend to paint it as 'white male anger' etc when the pendulum swings back from socialism, of course they are just trying to skew public perceptions, the lying charlatans.

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